
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Social Business Jam - Time Remaining - 63 Hrs, 38 mins, 44 secs to go..

IBM is hosting yet another Jam in public.. This time around it is crowd sourcing around the topic of how businesses today are exploring or will explore the value of Social Computing in business.Jam will continue until Friday, 11 February at 12:00PM U.S. Eastern Standard Time. Registration is open throughout the event,They can register at or visit the Jam website to learn more

On the landing page, I found one poll - "Do you write a Blog ?" that I responded as "Yes, for both work and personal".. the results of this poll were interesting. I was amongst the 8% of the total population who responded.
 Other interesting features of the Jam tool includes things such as, it offers a statistics/report of the jam activity and your personal activity. It also has a portlet that reports the total time remaining for the Jam to close in Hours, minutes, seconds...

Happy Jamming !!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Importance, Urgency and Time Management

Since October 2010, I have been leading the efforts of setting up the Mining Center Of Excellence and have been watching the mining business and news since then. One such news that flashed yesterday where three mining majors - BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto and Vale published their top priorities for business in near future. More than what there priorities are from business perspective, I got interested in the way they represented these priorities - simple yet very effective way to convey the message. The top ten priorities were put out on X and Y Axis which represented Urgency and Importance respectively. I remember the same lesson learnt in one of the time management courses at IBM in my early career. When it comes to prioritization of work, it is a good idea to plot it on these axis and while you work "Urgent" items, keep working hard on the "Important" items too at the same time. It will help bring down the "Urget" items over a period and hence the stress in your life significantly. A logical thought process and has worked (rather I have witnessed) a lot in practice for me...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Service Jam - the report is out

The Service Jam hosted by IBM (summary below) has concluded and in collaboration with key partners, IBM has published "The Systems of Service", a white paper summarizing key findings from Service Jam. The document will help organizations leverage the knowledge generated by the Jam to innovate, design and improve service programs. Click here to access the White Paper

Service Jam Summary
Service Jam, held October 10-12, 2010 has now concluded. Over 15,000 individuals from 119 countries registered to participate in the Jam, which brought together a global mix of perspectives to discuss, debate and discover the possibilities of new solutions to long-standing societal challenges. Leaders from many sectors united to drive conversations on not only what is happening today, but also how we might improve service tomorrow. We hope that Service Jam provided you with insights, an opportunity to share your thoughts, and promising ideas.
IBM, in collaboration with key partners, will publish a white paper to summarize key findings and highlight creative ideas generated by Service Jam to share with participants. This document will reveal key trends in social innovation and will serve as a pragmatic guide to help organizations innovate, design and improve service programs