
Sunday, July 8, 2007

Drenched in the blog rain

It was a long day today sitting at home and watching my little one play, eat, sleep and leak - she has caught a viral fever and we were locked down all the day doing the baby sitting at home. But this turned out to be a good day for my new hobby - blogging. Discovred some new tips, tricks and also peeped into several other blogs - some recommended, some I met accidently and some I navigated through the ones I read.
While doing the part-time duty of watching the little one, I was busy reading writing and decorating/formatting my blog space. This turned out to be something like watching a cricket match all day... switch on to see where the match is heading to.. watch the score and then get back to work. Every time she use sleep or start playing alone, i use to get on to my gear ( The split of my blogs into (a) heap dumps and (b) brain storms was as a result of the learnings today..
I realised in the process that pepole write amazing stuff and a lot of people manage to read it. I wounder how much time they must be spending writing, decorating and commenting on. Dont these bloggers have work to do OR dont they have kids.. probably not -
Certainly this is addictive and as addictive as writing / reading and checking emails. I find blogging to be a better addiction than emails. It forces me to think, reflect and write.. something meaningful (hopefully).. I am seeing mysself quit one and start another..

Saturday, July 7, 2007

learning curves

I just ran through Kiran's blogs and saw him writing his travelouges and mainstream blogs in different spaces. This was a learning for me and here I am writing my first blog with tecno-business-management-work related blog in the new space called "Memory Dumps"

categorising, classifying, organising.. I love doing so.. and here I am doing it with my blogs.

cheers, Mahesh