
Monday, April 19, 2010

Social Software Adoption

what drives adoption of social software in enterprises- I think the high 5s include
  1. culture change
  2. use cases directly linked to business needs
  3. viral marketing approach
  4. education
  5. ease of use of the tools
there may be many more...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Monetizing the blogs

Each time , I promise myself to keep this blog active and land up coming to it after months.. hope to keep it active going forward...

Things I did/learned new in last one quarter.. on the social networking tools.. of course
  1. Started using Blackberry - my first smartphone.. was indeed exciting. Have been using it for official and personal emails, facebook updates and twitter, occasionally to track IBM stock quote..
  2. discovered a location based service - foursquare, it is quite cool.. waiting to use the facebook lbs and consolidate.. use just one service..
  3. Just got the blog monetized using Google AdSense