
Friday, June 25, 2010

planting trees.. started an initiative within the society

planting trees.. started an initiative within the society and hope to form a community of like minded interested people around. A note that I sent to invite participation
Dear Sigma One Residents

Most of us always think, read, appreciate and support nature conservation and related initiatives very passionately, however that is just NOT enough. As a community we can do much more and should really get down to some action...

Myself and Mr. Apte talked about tree plantation today morning and have decided to get started on this initiative. To begin with we intend to plant a few saplings along the road that approaches to our society (the road along the construction workers settlement). This initiative cannot be successful without a wider participation, because, we don't want to just plant the trees, we want to grow them and this requires a longer term involvement and commitment from the community. here are some of the things where we might need help

1. Need expertise - which trees to plant, where, what manure etc.. etc..),

2. Network contacts (particularly with PMC / Forest Department where we can get free
saplings and other support Private/Public owners of the property where we plan the trees

3. Adoption (people who can protect, water and give manure for these plants round the year)

4. Financial Support - to buy saplings, manure, labor, equipment etc..

Please assemble at 9:00 AM tomorrow - Saturday 26th June 2010 in our Play Area if you would like to get involved personally. If you happen to miss this tomorrow, and would like to participate actively/ passively OR want to make any suggestions, please feel free to contact me.

Hope to see you actively participate in this initiative.

cheers, Mahesh

my blogs

Had originally planned to keep my personal and profession blogs separate.. however the poor pace and freuency of my blog make my blogs look sparse... hence merging these with immediate effect.