Found all the papers to be of very good quality and presenters very confident and prepared while presentation - most of them pursuing their PhDs. I found the "R-LWE based Lightweight... " paper presented by Ms. Aarti Agarkar to be relevant to IoT security - the method used for encrypting the smartmeter data was of great interest from "Encryption and Key Management" perspective.
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
CAST 2016
Found all the papers to be of very good quality and presenters very confident and prepared while presentation - most of them pursuing their PhDs. I found the "R-LWE based Lightweight... " paper presented by Ms. Aarti Agarkar to be relevant to IoT security - the method used for encrypting the smartmeter data was of great interest from "Encryption and Key Management" perspective.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
American Airlines Selects IBM as its Cloud...
American Airlines Selects IBM as its Cloud Provider #IBMcloud #AA
American Airlines Selects IBM as its Cloud...
IBM, announced today a strategic partnership with American Airlines, the world’s largest airline, naming IBM as its cloud provider for greater enterprise flexibility, scalability and reliability.IBM Technical Rock Star Program
Sunday, October 16, 2016
IBM: 65% of World's Major Banks to Use...
IBM: 65% of world's major banks to use #Blockchain by 2019
IBM: 65% of World's Major Banks to Use...
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
Friday, October 14, 2016
IBM: 65% of World's Major Banks to Use...
IBM: 65% of world's major banks to use #Blockchain by 2019
IBM: 65% of World's Major Banks to Use...
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
IBM: The Cognitive Advantage Study
IBM: The Cognitive Advantage Study #AI #research
IBM: The Cognitive Advantage Study
Insights from a study of over 600 early cognitive and artificial intelligence adoptersIBM Technical Rock Star Program
Thursday, June 23, 2016
What’s all the hype about developing on...
What’s all the hype about developing on #Blockchain?
What’s all the hype about developing on...
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Schools are using Blockchain technology to...
Schools are using #Blockchain technology to track students
Schools are using Blockchain technology to...
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
Friday, May 27, 2016
DeveloperConnect India preview with IBM's Sandy...
DeveloperConnect India preview with IBM's @Sandy_Carter - Part 1 of 4 on developerWorks TV
DeveloperConnect India preview with IBM's Sandy...
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Cognitive solutions for dummies : 10 questions...
Cognitive solutions for dummies : 10 questions to understand the #cognitive era
Cognitive solutions for dummies : 10 questions...
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
IBM's Watson has a new project: Fighting...
IBM's #Watson has a new project: Fighting #cybercrime
IBM's Watson has a new project: Fighting...
Who needs Sherlock when you've got Watson?IBM Technical Rock Star Program
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
The Blockchain could disrupt everything (VIDEO)
The #Blockchain could disrupt everything (VIDEO)
The Blockchain could disrupt everything (VIDEO)
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Top 2016 cybersecurity reports out from AT&T,...
Top 2016 cybersecurity reports out from AT&T,...
Top 2016 cybersecurity reports out from AT&T, Cisco, Dell, Google, IBM, McAfee, Symantec and VerizonIBM Technical Rock Star Program
Saturday, May 21, 2016
IBM Blockchain on Bluemix is now beta!
IBM #Blockchain on #Bluemix is now beta!
IBM Blockchain on Bluemix is now beta!
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
Friday, May 20, 2016
IBM's Watson is going to cybersecurity school
IBM's Watson is going to cybersecurity school
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
IBM Blockchain basics: Introduction to business...
IBM #Blockchain basics: Introduction to business ledgers #Hyperledger
IBM Blockchain basics: Introduction to business...
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
Monday, May 16, 2016
Blockchain basics: Glossary and use cases
#Blockchain basics: Glossary and use cases #security
Blockchain basics: Glossary and use cases
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
IBM training Watson in cybersecurity
IBM training #Watson in #cybersecurity
IBM training Watson in cybersecurity
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Sesame Workshop, IBM partner to use Watson for...
Sesame Workshop, IBM partner to use #Watson for preschoolers
Sesame Workshop, IBM partner to use Watson for...
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
SQL to NoSQL - Top 6 questions before making...
SQL to #NoSQL - Top 6 questions before making the move (Presentation)
SQL to NoSQL - Top 6 questions before making...
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
What is Hadoop? Discover the Hadoop system &...
What is Hadoop? Discover the #Hadoop system & its components.
What is Hadoop? Discover the Hadoop system &...
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
Monday, May 2, 2016
IoT based Raspberry Pi Home automation using...
IoT based Raspberry Pi Home automation using IBM Bluemix #IBMiot #IoT
IoT based Raspberry Pi Home automation using...
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
IBM Launches First Highly Secure Blockchain...
IBM Launches First Highly Secure Blockchain Services on IBM Cloud #blockchain
IBM Launches First Highly Secure Blockchain...
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
Friday, April 29, 2016
Trading commercial paper via Blockchain with...
Trading commercial paper via #Blockchain with IBM #Bluemix - On #developerWorks TV
Trading commercial paper via Blockchain with...
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Learn Linux, 101: RPM and YUM package management
Learn Linux, 101: RPM and YUM package management
Learn Linux, 101: RPM and YUM package management
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
Monday, April 25, 2016
Blockchain is coming. Be ready. Open Blockchain...
Blockchain is coming. Be ready. Open #Blockchain Tech Talk, Apr 27, 11 am ET
Blockchain is coming. Be ready. Open Blockchain...
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Learn Linux, 101: Text streams and filters
Learn #Linux, 101: Text streams and filters
Learn Linux, 101: Text streams and filters
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
Saturday, April 2, 2016
You asked for it. You got it! OpenStack 101
You asked for it. You got it! OpenStack 101, an overview
You asked for it. You got it! OpenStack 101
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
Friday, April 1, 2016
IBM Named Hybrid Cloud Development Platform...
IBM Named Hybrid Cloud Development Platform Leader by TBR #hybridcloud
IBM Named Hybrid Cloud Development Platform...
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Building a solution? The IBM developerWorks...
Building a solution? The IBM @developerWorks cloud architecture center has blueprints
Building a solution? The IBM developerWorks...
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
IBM Unveils Open Alternative to Event-Driven...
IBM Unveils Open Alternative to Event-Driven Programming #openwhisk
IBM Unveils Open Alternative to Event-Driven...
IBM Technical Rock Star Program