I just got to know about the concept of "backlink" and how it relates to webpage popularity, page rank and search engine optimization. I would call these web pages quite lucky and here's my explanation-
just think of an analogy of web pages and page hits with experts in large organizations (like the one I work for) and people approachng them informally for advise.
With the maturity in the SEO technology, viz : backlinks, page ranks and search engines etc. it is possible to identify and elevate the rank of a particular page and hence pages that offer valuable information can be easily spotted and recognized/ranked.
On the other hand consider "experts" - a lot of people approach them formally and informally to seek advise and most of these experts, give it away without actually caring to record the transaction - (backlink not tracked) and hence there is no record / ranking done as a result of the good work they do. However the people who approach to seek advise make the network aware of the presence of such an expert- which is an informal yet more valuable recognition for such an individual.

just think of an analogy of web pages and page hits with experts in large organizations (like the one I work for) and people approachng them informally for advise.
With the maturity in the SEO technology, viz : backlinks, page ranks and search engines etc. it is possible to identify and elevate the rank of a particular page and hence pages that offer valuable information can be easily spotted and recognized/ranked.
On the other hand consider "experts" - a lot of people approach them formally and informally to seek advise and most of these experts, give it away without actually caring to record the transaction - (backlink not tracked) and hence there is no record / ranking done as a result of the good work they do. However the people who approach to seek advise make the network aware of the presence of such an expert- which is an informal yet more valuable recognition for such an individual.